Dual Blade Radiator Fan Balancing Project
Kokusai was contacted by a manufacturer of dual blade radiator fans in Northern Indiana. This company needed Kokusai to check and correct balance, as well as perform several other electrical and performance checks. However, there was no longer a retainer clip on the fan assembly. In order to gage the correct angle for balance, Kokusai used laser sensor detection. They decided to utilize overhead servos for spin-up, spin-down, and orientation. An RFID (radio frequency indication device) reader was used to detect the correct test based on the installed tooling fixture. The test had many features, which included current draw measurement, voltage measurement, RPM measurement, direction of rotation indication, balance measurement in dynamic (couple, plane & static), number of blades and automatic “calibration” audit. When the testing was complete, ball bearings were used as the correction method. To learn more about this project, please contact us Kokusai directly.