What’s shaking in your industry?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASuccessful companies in all industries know how important it is to keep manufacturing processes lean and cost efficient, while also keeping overall operations running as smoothly as possible. But there are times when companies should “shake things up” a little bit… Whatever industry you’re in, vibration testing can play an important role in your company’s success by determining how your company’s products will function in real-world settings where vibrations and unexpected shaking are common.

Products may vibrate during daily use, such as car parts subjected to vibrations from road travel, food containers shaken during normal handling, and jet engines humming back and forth across the country in one day. Additionally, products and the packaging they are contained in may be subjected to vibrations during road, rail, or air transport. Do you know how your products will stand up against the shaking and vibrations they may encounter in the real world? Vibration testing can help you determine the answer to this question.

Vibration testing involves “shaking” a product on a table or posts to see how the product is affected, or if it’s affected at all. Used in just about every industry, vibration testing offers many benefits and advantages for manufacturers, including:

  • Assistance with initial product design
  • Protection of a brand/product’s image
  • Reduction of warranty costs
  • Maintenance of product reliability
  • Guarantees product integrity and safety during shipping.

Products can be shaken on one axis or on multiple axis – up to three axis at the same time. Testing a product on three axis at the same time is the best way to test the cumulative effect of real world vibrations.

Here’s a partial list of industries currently using 3-axis vibrational testing very effectively:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Food
  • Military
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Packaging
  • Shipping/Transportation, and many others.
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